Thursday, 11 April 2013

Onward, to Hochfugen

Good evening everyone,

It has been another jam-packed day, with all manner of excitement. A longer coach journey took us to the bottom of Hochfugen, and the weather was scorching!

The scene that greeted us upon our arrival.

Those of us in dark jackets were really feeling the heat - especially Mr. Fowler, who was wearing an extra layer today....

Yes, that is indeed a skeleton 'onesie'....

The extreme heat made the piste very changeable, but up on the mountain the conditions were very agreeable. Some enjoyable skiing was had by all:

Eduard soars like an eagle....

If this is not an action shot, I don't know what is....

Jessica carving it up en piste.

Of all the staff on the trip, Mrs. T. is the one with oodles of style. Poetry in motion.

After our lunch (in a very posh restaurant), the afternoon was put aside for the Big Race. Our instructors set up a slalom course at the bottom of the piste, and the groups all raced each other to the bottom.

Team Bernie.

Team Martin.

An extra special photo. Lucy had some bad luck, and crashed out on the slalom. Despite hurting her wrist badly enough to need an X-ray to check it out, she stood up right away and finished in the style which you see above. We are happy to report that her injury is only minor, and she has been back in the mix, as the later photos will show. Get well soon!

Fancy dress time! Always good for a laugh, our fancy dress disco did not disappoint...

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's Duff Man!

Our Year 10 girls - paragons of virtue, I am sure...

The Key Stage 3 Boys livin' la vida loca.

The Angry Birds - what a fantastic idea!

Jack, straight out of The Wild One. And Theo - wooooooooo.......

A complete Mad Hatters' Tea Party.

Scary morph suits. I remember when Morph was a lot more innocent...

Staff photo - Baby Spice, Mr. Penguin, Miss Chav, Jockey Hird and Rorshach.

Once ensconced in the lounge, we were joined by Bernie and our other ski instructors. He gave out the results of the race held earlier in the day and gave out certificates, sweets and medals to the competitors.We really must tip our hats to them - we have an excellent week's skiing,thanks in large part to them.

Joe is given his time - the fastest of all the students on the trip, and he is flanked by La Cucaracha and the good Doctor.

Charlotte receives her medal -she has impressed everyone with her progress. She is so light on her skis, it is a miracle she doesn't take off!

Mr. Hird was the only teacher to attempt the slalom today and receives his special medal. He is obviously pleased as punch...

After the ski awards, it was time for the general awards from Mr. N. Here is a small selection..

Alana with her Jekyll and Hyde award - awarded to the student whose passport photo looks the least like their real face....

Luke with the Beyonce Bootylicious award - he has spent quite a while on his butt this week...

Joe with the Justin Bieber award, for his beautiful hair.

Cameron with his Captain Oates award, for his little adventure following an Austrian stranger earlier in the week.

After all the awards, we cracked on with the disco, and then it was off to pack, and then to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a doozy - we need to vacate our rooms, catch a ski bus, ski all day, and then get ready to head out - we will sleep on the coach, cross at Dunkirk, and then up the country all the way home. If all bodes well, then we will be landing in Blighty around midday and heading for Colne for 8:00 pm.

As we will be on the road by this time tomorrow, this will be the last of the 2013 blog posts. It is my sincere hope that as well as being a source of news and information, the blog has conveyed just how much has been gained by the young people on the trip. It is thanks to the investment of parents, carers and staff that we have been able to offer such an enriching opportunity. Mr. Fowler deserves special thanks as our trip leader. The amount of preparation, as well as the sheer energy he has displayed as our leader this week, has allowed all this to happen.

We look forward to seeing you all very soon,

Mr. N.